
250m Row

KB Rack Hold  2 @ 35#/2 @ 26#

3 times each person.


20 Single Leg DL 95#/63#

10 Box Pistols

10 KB Single Arm Snatches  53#/35#

20 Single Leg Lateral Hops (PVC)

3 times.


200 Sit Ups

Post times.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level. Small twist on one round of "Tailpipe", one round must be completed on the AirDyne. This will give the rest of our members the opportunity to receive their orientation on our latest arsenal of discomfort. The SLDL is 10 per leg, pistols are 5 per, and the KB snatches are 5 per arm. The single leg lateral hops are there and back equals 1 rep, 10 each leg over a PVC pipe on the floor.

A man, a bar and an empty gym. Happiness or the calm before the storm?  Post thoughts to comments.