Announcement: CFEC will be starting a Kids Fitness Camp that will start Monday June 21 at 9:15 am. The camp will run M – W – F for 3 weeks and then on Monday, July 9, we will run it Monday through Friday for that week. Prices are $75 for the first 3 week session and $40 for the last week. Sign your children up. Ages 5 and up.
Level 1
“No Time Tuesday”
5 Sets
5 Bench Press *AHAP
10 Barbell Bent Over Row *AHAP
12 GHD Sit Ups
5 Sets
8/5 Ring /Bar Dips
10 DB Overhead Tricep Extensions *AHAP
10 Barbell Bicep Curls *AHAP
Post loads.
Level 2
Snatch Balance 2,2,2,1,1,1,1
Front Rack Bulgarian Split Squats 4 X 8 each leg.
5 Mile Assault Bike (easy pace)
Post loads and Rx or not.
CrossFit Old School
3 Rounds
500m Row
30 Russian KB Swings 53#/35#
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 20″
15 Pull Ups
400m Run
30 Alternating KB Rows
Post time.
L 1
Erica S. 75#/55#/25#/45#
Mike L. 145#/145#/35#-65#
Craig 195#/185#/50#/95#
Jennifer 60#/75#/30#/45#
Tim S. 155#/135#/50#/75#
Rob 145#/125#/50#/85#
Rose 85#/65#/15#/45#
Gail 60#/65#/25#/40#
Mike D. 155#/75#/25#/55#
Dean 30:00
Justin 32:58
Paul 27:00
L 1
Walt 155#/125#/40#/65#
Mike 145#/125#/35#/95#
Lisa R. 90#/115#/35#/50#
Mandy 95#/100#/40#50#
Jessica 70#/85#/30#50#
Marta 55#/55#/15#/35#
Antonio 155#/175#/45#/65#
Baron 105#/105#/25#/45#
Cami 95#/65#/25#/65#
Mary 100#/85#/35#/55#
Linda 38:20
Kayla 37:45
Tina 35:00
Alex 31:29 Rx. 53#
Vince 33:00
Nicole H. 39:58
L 1
Eric 160#/115#/55#/65#
Thomas 105#/95#/20#/45#
L 2
Nicole-/-/10 miles
Tina H. 34:35 Rx
Brian 39:35 Rx
Sam 29:23
L 1
Jimmy 205#/135#/60#/85#
Tim R. 165#/135#/55#/65#
Mike R. 205#/115#/60#/95#
Fabricio 85#/75#/30#/45#
Andy 180#/145#/40#/85#
L 2
Ira -/-/ Rx
Sara 42:19 Rx
Trapp 24:51 Rx
Tyler 44:42 Rx
L 1
DJ 95#/65#/15#/45#
Robert 215#/155#/50#/75#
Roarke 165#/125#/40#/75#
Mike B. 175#/115#/45#/75#
Kila 225#/165#/40#/95#
Elizabeth 85#/75#-20#/35#
Trapp 195#/145#/70#/55#
Susan 85#/70#/15#/35#
Gary 135/95/45/55
Justin 135/115/35/45
Blake 155/95/35/45
Clarissa 85/75/35/45
Savannah 39:54Rx