"Texas Cardio"

On the Minute for 10 Minutes:

3 Deadlift 275#/195#


3 Rounds

3 Press 95#/63#

6 Push Press

9 Push Jerk


1000m Row

50 MedBall Cleans 20#/16#

50 GHD Sit-Ups

Post Rx or not for 1st w/o and times for the 2nd and 3rd.

Coaching Tips: Scale load and movement to match your current fitness level. This is a relatively heavy deadlift so be sure to warm-up sufficiently.  The press is going to be the limiter for the 2nd w/o.  If you can not strict press 95#/63#, you will have to scale the load to something you can.  Make sure you are performing 3 distinctly different movements.  The press is a strict strength movement with no bending of the hips and knees.  The push press involves an explosive dip and drive to get the bar overhead.  The push jerk uses that same explosive dip and drive with a quick diving down back under the bar to catch it in a partial squat, arms locked out overhead, then stand up completely before bringing the bar back down to the racked position.  For the final w/o, if you are not familiar with the GHD Sit-Ups, you should only go back to
parallel, do not go back to full extension, if even
that is too much, do abmat sit-ups.

Congratulations to Monica on getting her 1st muscle-up.  This is actually her 3rd, she was too fast for me to get the camera.  Awesome job girl!