Back Squat  5 X 5



KB Swings  53#/35#  

Pull Ups


Post load and time.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current level.  Go to your log book and look up the last 5 X 5 back squat workout and strive to increase the load by 5#-10#.  Research your log books for the template of the rep and load scheme used in that last 5 X 5 back squat workout and follow it with slightly heavier load.  The second workout is short and sweet.  Start with 30 reps of the KB swings, pull ups and burpees. Then, 20 reps of the triplet, followed by 10.

CFEC's own, Julia Cruz- Fallica, second in the Novice Division in last weekend's So Cal Strongman Competition.  She performed 16 reps of a 185# Axle Deadlift.  9 reps of a 85# Axle Press. 6 reps of a 110# Atlas Stone load.  Like the saying goes…Strong is the new skinny.