Level 1

“No Time Tuesday”
2 Sets
5 Single Leg KB RDL’s    35#/26#   each leg
10 Lateral Lunge w/Plate Drag   15#/10#  each leg
12 Banded Hip Circles  each leg
5 Sets
5 Front Squats   *AHAP
8 DB Floor Press    *AHAP
10 Toes to Bar
5 Strict Pull Ups
Post Loads.


Level 2

Take 15 minutes to find Heavy Single for:
Clean and Jerk
Weighted Bar Dips  3,3,3,3,3   *AHAP
Weighted Pull Ups   1,1,1,1,1   *AHAP
Post loads.


CrossFit Old School

24 – 21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9
Calories on Assault Bike
Wall Ball   20#/14#
X2 Double Unders
Mt. Climbers   R+L=1
*200m Run after every round.
Post time.