Notice:  We are planning to have a small Christmas Party after we have our annual 12 Days of Christmas workout, Saturday 12/24 at 8:30 am.  Please, come join us for a great workout and celebrate Christmas with your sweat buddies afterward.


Level 1

“No Time Tuesday”
5 Sets
2 Squat Cleans   *AHAP
5 Bench Press   *AHAP
5 Strict Pull Ups
16 DB Walking Lunges   35#/25#
10 Toes to Bar
20 Sit Ups
Post loads.


Level 2

Snatch Grip Deadlifts   3,3,3,3,3  *AHAP
Barbell Shoulder Shrugs  4 X 8   *AHAP
Strict Shoulder Press   2,2,2,2,2  *AHAP
Post loads.


CrossFit Old School

3 Rounds
750m Row
20 KB Front Rack Step Ups   2 @35#/26#   20″/16″
15 KB Thrusters
15 GHD Hip Extensions
Post time.