REMINDER:  This Saturday, December 6th,CFEC will not be holding any classes, as Proving Grounds will be holding ” The Reindeer Games ” at our facility.  Come out and support some of our athletes that will be competing in this CrossFit style competition.  There will be vendors and food trucks abound to show their products.  Bring the whole family and bring a unwrapped toy for the Toys For Tots toy drive.





Level 1
Deadlift  2,2,2,2,2
10 – 20 -10
Thrusters  75#/53#
Pull Ups
Post load and time.





Level 2
800m Run
30 Toes to Bar
20 KB Snatches Right Arm  53#/35#
20 KB Snatches Left Arm
50 GHD Sit Ups
20 KB Snatches Left Arm
20 KB Snatches Right Arm
30 Toes to Bar
800m Run
Post time.




Barbell Club
Power Cleans 5 Sets of 5 Touch and Go Reps
Push Jerks 2,2,2,2,2
Post loads.





CrossFit Old School
5 Rounds
30 Double Unders
30 KB swings  53#/35#
Post time.