Level 1

Partner Workout
In teams of two, perform the following:
125 Wall Ball 20#/14#
P1 does max reps of Wall Ball, while P2 does a Wall Sit. Wall Ball can only be performed while teammate is in Wall Sit Position. Switch as desired.
100 Burpees
P1 does max reps of Burpees, while P2 holds a barbell (115#/75#) overhead. Burpees can only be performed while teammate has barbell overhead. Switch as desired.
150 Russian KB Swings 53#/35#
P1 does max reps of KB Swings, while P2 holds a weighted (45#/25#) forearm plank. Swings can only be performed while teammate is in plank position. Switch as desired.
200m Run X 4
P1 runs 200m, while P2 holds feet 6″ off the ground. Each person runs 200m twice.
Post time.

Level 2

” CrossFit Oly Total ”
3 attempts for max loads for each:
Clean and Jerk
Post loads and total.

CrossFit Old School
3 Rounds
400m Run
21 KB Swings 53#/35#
12 Pull Ups
Post time.