Clean – Heavy Triple


3 Rounds

AMRAP in 3 minutes:

:45 All Out Airdyne

15 KB Swings 53#/35#

Max Burpees

Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

Post Clean load and total burpees.

Coaching Tips: Scale load and movement to match your current fitness level.  Use this rep scheme to warm-up for your clean: 5,5,5,3,3, adding weight aftr each warm-up set.  You will keep going with 3 reps from there.  Keep adding weight as long as you are successful.  The goal for today is to get the heaviest set of 3 that you can manage.  The workout following is as many burpees as you can perform AFTER you have completed 45 seconds on the Airdyne and 15 Kb Swings.