Level One

Back Squat
*Start at a moderate weight and increase weight for the sets of 6 then again for the sets of 4
4 Sets
3:00 AMRAP
100m sprint
15 DB Front Squats 2×35/25#
Max Reps Box Jump Overs 24/20”
-Rest 1:00-
-Post heaviest load and reps

Level Two

2 Sets
Squat Snatch 135/95#
-Rest 5:00-
Overhead Squat
Build to a Heavy 3 rep
-Post time for each and load

Weight Vest Wednesday

Amrap 10:00
200m Run
20 Box Step ups 24/20”
-Rest 3:00
Amrap 8:00
200m Run
15/12 Pushups
-Rest 2:00
Amrap 6:00
200m Run
10 Split Squat Jumps (1=1)
-Post Rounds+Reps for each