Level 1

EMOM for 12 minutes
Odd minutes: 1 Squat Clean and Jerk  *AHAP
Even minutes: 4/2 HSPU’s
600m Run
30 Power Cleans  95#/65#
30 Front Squats
30 Push Jerks
600m Run
Post load and time.


Level 2

EMOM for 12 minutes
Odd minutes:  3 Front Squats  *AHAP
Even minutes: 10 Med Ball GHD Sit Ups  20#/14#
1000m Row
3 Rounds
20 Alternating DB Snatches  50#/40#
10 Burpee Box Jump Over 24″/20″
20 CTB Pull UPs
1000m Row

Post load and time.


“Weighted Vest Wednesday”

1 Mile Run
150 Squats
100 Shoulder to Overhead  75#/55#
50 Pull Ups
1 Mile Run
*Partition gym work as desired.
Post time.