Level One

Bench Press 7×2
*Ahap/ Rest as needed b/t sets
”The Chief”
5 Sets
3:00 AMRAP
3 Power Cleans 135/95#
6 Pushups
9 Air Squats
-Rest 1:00 b/t sets
***Cleans and squats should be done unbroken each round so scale accordingly. Pushups can be done with one break but unbroken is the goal.
***Scoring: Little different today, to avoid additional rest, partial reps will count towards your score. So, you’re working for the whole 3:00 ( I know, I’m mean!)
-Post Load and Total Reps each set

Level Two

Split Jerk 5×3
2 Sets@ 75%
3 Sets @ 80%
-Rest :90 b/t
75 GHD sit-ups
*Every :90 Do 50’ Handstand walk (Start with HSW)
-Rest 5:00
150’ Handstand Walk
*Every :90 do 15 GHD sit-ups
(Start With GHD sit-ups)
Muscle-Up Skill
5 Sets
1 Every 2:00
8/5 Muscle Ups
(Must be Unbroken)
*pick a number you can keep unbroken throughout
-Post Load, Time for each and Rx or Not

Weight Vest Wednesday

20 Jumping Air Squats
20 Box Jumps 24/20” (Step down)
20 Jumping Air Squats
20 Burpees
1 Mile Run
20 Burpees
20 Jumping Air Squats
20 Box Jumps
20 Jumping Air Squats
-Post Time