
We will be having a gymnastics clinic on Saturday, April 25th at 10 am.  Coach Terry Miller and Anthony Blando both have extensive backgrounds in gymnastics and will be our coaches for the clinic!  For anyone who wants to work on handstands, pull-ups, muscle-ups…  We are opening this up to the public as well, so if you know of anyone who would interested please spread the word!



Level 1
With a continuously running clock, move from one exercise to the next until you have completed the required number of reps.  You will rotate from one exercise to the next at one minute intervals.  Once you have completed the required number of reps for any given exercise, move on to the next until all reps are completed for each movement.
50 Overhead Squats  75#/55#
50 Pull Ups
50 Burpees
50 Hang  Squat Cleans
50 Push Press
50 Toes to Bar
Post time.


Level 2
With a continuously running clock, move from one exercise to the next until you have completed the required number of reps.  You will rotate from one exercise to the next at one minute intervals.  Once you have completed the required number of reps for any given exercise, move on to the next until all reps are completed for each movement.
75 Overhead Squats  115#/75#
75 Pull Ups
50 Burpees
75 Hang  Squat Cleans
75 Push Press
50 Back Squats
Post time.




Barbell Club
Snatch – Heavy single
Clean and jerk – Heavy Single
Post loads.