Announcement:  Tonight at 7:00 p.m. will are planning a fun game of Zorb Soccer.  This is when you play soccer while inside of a large inflated plastic ball.  By all accounts, it looks like as much as anyone could possibly have.  We are playing at Santee’s Sports Complex just down the street of the gym.  Come out and join in on the fun.





Level 1
3 Rounds
500m Row
10 Burpees Over Rower
20 Thrusters  45#/35#
Rest 5 minutes
100 Sit Ups
800m Run
100 Sit Ups
Post time minus 5 minutes.






Level 2
20 Overhead Squats 115#/75#
20 GHD Sit Ups
10 Wall Walks
50 CTB Pull Ups
1 Mile Run
50 CTB Pull Ups
10 Wall Walks
20 GHD Sit Ups
20 Overhead Squats
Post Time.







Barbell Club
Snatch –  Heavy Single
Barbell Shrugs 5 X 5
Back Squat 5 X 3
Post loads.