There is no 5:15 am class this morning. Also, thank you to everyone for participating in the workout yesterday morning!

Level 1
E3MOM for 15 minutes
10 Bench Press
12 GHD Hip Extensions
AMRAP in 15 Minutes
20 Hand to Hand KB Swings 53/35#
15 Wall Ball 20#@10’/14#@9′
10 Burpee Broad Jumps 6’/4′
Post load and total reps.

Level 2
EMOM for 15 Minutes
1 High Hang Clean + 1 Hang Clean
AMRAP in 15 Minutes
5 Wall Walks
2×60′ High Sled Push 180/120#
15 GHD Sit Ups
20 Calorie Row
Post load and total reps.

Barbell Club
EMOM for 15 Minutes
1 Split Jerk
E3MOM for 15 Minutes
10 Romanian Deadlifts
10 Ring Rows
Post loads.

CF Old School
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Reps of
Goblet Squats 53/35#
Calorie Row
Burpees over the Rower
Post time.