Reminder: There are only going to be two classes being held on Monday, Memorial Day. Only 5:15 am and 8:30 am classes. Bring your family and friends to Monday’s special workouts.
Partner Workout
In teams of two, complete the following:
4 Rounds
P1 15 Med Ball Cleans 20#/14# + 25 Double Unders
P2 Hangs from Pull Up Bar
3 Rounds
P1 250m Row
P2 Wall Sit
800m Run
P1 200m Run
P2 Forearm Plank Hold
* If Partner holding the Plank comes down before the other partner returns from the run, they both do 10 Burpees as penalty.
Post time and Burpee count.
Optional Workout
3 Rounds
400m Run
30 Sit Ups
15 Floor Press 95#/65#
15 Floor Wipers L+R=1
30 Double Unders
Post time.
21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6
Calorie Row
Alternating DB Snatches 35#/25#
Squat Thrusts
X2 Double Unders
Poost time.
Rose 30:00 Rx
Armando 19:36 Rx
Jorge 22:24 Rx 50#
Erica S. 28:58 Rx
Nacho 21:00
Tiffany17:44 Rx
Michael 19:05
Rebecca 21:17
Darin 23:41
Blake 14:35 Rx
Chris Z 21:30 Rx
Jorge 16:26 Rx
Kila 12:54 Rx
Sonya 31:33
Sam 🙂
Sara 21:45 Rx
Bev 28:28 Rx
L 1
Emily 15:10 Rx
Mary 24:07
Alex M 17:00
Ed 15:39 Rx
Jessica 27:11 Rx
Barb 27:37
Sam S 16:26 Rx
Marta 22:51
Jennifer K. 28:54
Andrea 19:24 Rx
Tina 25:22 Rx
Sean 18:30
Roarke 21:30
Alex 18:45 Rx 35#
Lisa 20:04 Rx 35#
Jean / Chris 38:12 Rx. 0
Clarissa 26:46
Jack 14:56 Rx
Dylan 27:40
Tim K. 24:50
Mark 38:01
Lorraine 37:20
Luke 23:27 Rx
Gary 19:38 Rx
Connor 19:06 Rx
Tyler 17:47 Rx