Fun Friday Workout

Perform This Workout In Teams Of 3 People

6 X 400m Curb/Ledge Run

15 Wall Climbs

21 Ring to Bar Pull Ups

21 Sand Bag Carry to Bear Crawl  50#/30#

21 Bar Muscle Ups

3:00 "Wall Free" Handstand Holds

Post time.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level. You can partition out any of the exercises as you would like. Every person on the team must perform at least one rep of each exercise. There is a 10 burpee team penalty for losing your balance and/or falling off of any of the exercises that require you to remain on an object while performing. The penalty will be paid after the whole workout is completed.  You can assist one person per team perform the wall climb.  Each team member must contribute time to the 3 minute handstand holds.  There will be ample time during the warm up to accustom yourself to each exercise.

Happy Birthday Tony Patterson. His contribution to CFEC as an athlete and as a person is immeasurable. Tony, all that you have accomplished in the past three years at CFEC is remarkable, to say the least. Have a great birthday, friend.