400m Run

25 Double Unders

800m Run

50 Double Unders

400m Run

25 Double Unders



250m Row

KB Rack Holds for Row time( 2 @ 35#/2 @ 26#).

3 times.

Post times.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level. The 25 double under rule applies for this workout. This majority of this workout's time should be spent on the run portion. If the double unders are your weakness, take the time to work on them and master the movement, just like any other exercise you're exposed to in CF. "Tailpipe" should be done in teams of two people, but if doing it solo, check your row time and hold the KB's for that row time. There's no lifting, pulling, pressing, cleaning or jerking, so, use this workout as a recovery session or to master your D/U's and running skills.

After scaring us half to death, we thought she almost lost both
of her shoulders, Briley proceeded to do another forward roll on the rings and
then successfully completed her first muscle-up.  Awesome job, Briley!  
Welcome to the club.