Overhead Squat


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Occasionally someone comes into the gym and gets yelled at for violating our rule of "No crunches allowed." The commonly held notion that situps are bad for your back is on a par with the notion that squatting below parallel is bad for your knees–both are rank B.S. Crunches are a waste of time, as is just about any restricted range of motion movement. We use the AbMat or a rolled up towel to do full range of motion situps……

Here’s why….  http://www.backbuilder.com/abmat_situps.htm


Another great example of the wonderful people we meet at CFEC….Mark and Christine are great athletes who just started doing CrossFit this year and have made tremendous gains. Christine had a PR at a half marathon, Mark while losing 20lbs has mastered the kipping pull-up.  They are both excited about how far they can take their fitness in the coming year. Thank you for your effort you guys!