“Russian Roulette”
3 Rounds of Max Double Unders in 30 secondsX 5.
In groups of 5 peopleall in a circle, everyone does as many double unders as possible in 30 seconds. Once time is up, you’ll rotate to the next person to your right and use their jump rope for the next 30 seconds of max double unders.  You’ll do that at 5 of 6 spots.  There is one empty spot, or chamber, where you will perform burpees to make up for the low number of double unders you may have gotten with someone else’s rope.  There is a 2 minute rest after each round.  We will have a singles jump rope group, for those that haven’t got their double unders yet.
Not for time:
50 GHD Sit Ups
25 Power Cleans
25 Power Snatch
25 Overhead Squats
Post double under and burpee reps.