Level 1

3 Rounds

500m Row

20 Med Ball Cleans 20#/14#

20 Lateral Hops over the Med Ball

20 Russian Twists 20#/14#

400m Run

Post time.



Level 2

400m Run

30 Overhead Squats 95#/63#

20 CTB Pull Ups

15 Press

400m Run

30 Front Squats 115#/78#

20 CTB Pull Ups

15 Push Press

400m Run

30 Back Squats 135#/93#

20 CTB Pull Ups

15 Push Jerk

Post time.



Level 2X

Choose your loads for the following:

30 Back Squats

30 TGU’s

30 Wtd. Pistols

400M Farmers Walk

Post loads and total time.



CF Old School

Complete the following for time:


75 Wall Ball 20#/14#

30 Power Snatches 135#/93#

75 Wall Ball