3 Rounds

400m Run

30 Unbroken Double Unders

15 KB Clean and Jerk (Right Arm) (53#/35#)

15 KB Clean and Jerk (Left Arm)

30 Sit Ups

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Coaching Tips: Scale load and movements to match your current
fitness level. Unbroken means there cannot be any misses between 1 and
30 double unders. If you miss in any attempt you must start your count
all over again. The KB C&J begins with the KB from the ground to
the shoulder and then overhead. You must reach full extension in the
hips, knees and shoulder before you return the KB back to the starting
position. Be aggressive in the hip drive to get the KB to shoulders and
then overhead.  Keep the shoulders in an active position while the KB
is overhead to maintain control of the KB.  Sit ups are feet flat on
the ground, shoulders hit the floor at the bottom position and chest
hit the thighs in the up position.