"Tabata Among Friends"

Deadlifts 185#/130#
Clean & Jerk 135#/95#
Hang Power Snatch 95#/65#

This Tabata will be performed as a team of two.  While one team member is working 20 seconds, the other is resting 20 seconds, for a total of 8 rounds for each exercise for each team of two.  Repeat for each exercise.  Each exercise is scored by the weakest number of reps for each of the two team members.  Post total scores to comments.

It's quite apparent by the bright smile and bulging muscles, this recent keg carry workout was just a little too easy for our "stud about the gym" Phil Steffek.  What this photo doesn't really show are the amazing finger muscles Phil sports. Though you know they exist by the lengthy and informative entries Phil writes to the CFEC blog.  His wit and all around great demeanor make Phil a wonderful addition to our CFEC family. He is making great gains in his workouts as well. Keep on keepin' on, Phil.