Sunday's workout will be a surprise to all who attend the Free Sunday Class.

Be sure to bring your enthusiasm, desire, determination and big smile. We'll see you in the morning.


By Paul Flores

Summer's here and the time has come to partake in the great American ritual of spending some time together as a family on vacation. It always feel good to "down shift" ourselves a little and retreat from the daily grind. Sometimes when we take some time off, we fall out of our usual habits. Getting the kids off to school, the trip to the coffee house, the hour at the gym, the focused diet…. the list goes on. Just because we go on vacation doesn't mean that all of the healthy habits we've fought for the past months need to fly out the window. Remember we're CrossFitters. We don't need to spend a large amount of time or a lot of equipment to maintain our fitness. Remember Dr. Izumi Tabata.  His study on short bouts of work intervals, followed by short periods of rest, are implemented by CrossFit quite extensively. This is stuff you can do anywhere.

My point is, don't let the two weeks you're on vacation go without spending a little time training. Our very own Head Trainer, Lisa, will be on vacation with her son. You know she won't go anywhere that doesn't have an affiliate within a 2 mile radius from where she is staying. She's no different than any of you. Wait….  No, really, she wants to keep a certain level of fitness while she's on vacation, as not to feel as though she's been gone forever when she gets back to her normal routine. Heck, Janie got busted by her boat captain doing push-ups on the side of the boat when she went on her vacation. Ed had someone break his jump rope while he was on his cruise ship. He was doing a lap around the ship and some guy was trying to show off to his kid how good he could jump rope. 1 and 1/2 revolutions later…SNAP.  There are others on vacation who make sure they get a workout in. Join in on the fun. It will make the return to "reality" a little less….painful
