*Diana’s Birthday WOD*

This is the 3rd WOD from the Rocky Mountain Regional Qualifiers.

For Time:
From the ground to over head anyhow.
7,000 pounds for Men, 5,000 pounds for Women

All of the competitors had to choose what weight they are going to do for the workout.  The choices, with the corresponding numbers of reps are listed below.

The barbell starts on the ground and must end up locked out overhead.  You can use any technique you want to achieve that.

Power Clean and Jerk
Clean and Jerk
Power Snatch
Squat Snatch
Round Back Deadlift-to a Reverse Curl-to a Press
Some combination of the above choices
Make up your own technique

1. You must be stable and unmoving at the top of the lockout, with your knees, hips, and shoulders in a straight line.
2. Your feet have to be stable and unmoving at the time of the lockout.
3. You may split jerk, but if you do your feet must be brought back to parallel and unmoving before your lock out will be complete.
4. You may not bounce the bumpers, and then go from the hang position.
5. Your hands must be on the bar when the bumpers are in contact with the ground.
6. You may not change your weight.

Men’s Choices  7,000 lbs for time

155 lbs x 46 reps
135 lbs x 52 reps
 95 lbs x 74 reps
 75 lbs x 94 reps

Women’s Choices 5,000 lbs for time

100 lbs x 50 reps
 85 lbs x 59 reps
 65 lbs x 77 reps
 55 lbs x 91 reps


Strong women are beautiful!  Meet Diana Towne, Birthday Girl, Strong Woman and Beautiful Person!  Check out Diana warming for the Clean and Jerk Max WOD last week.  Happy Birthday Diana, you are truly one of the Great Ones!

A side note:  The movie “Every Second Counts” is finally available for purchase at the CrossFit Store.  Go to crossfit.com to purchase or for more details.