10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1  Reps of the triplet for time.

Body Weight Back Squats

Toes To Bar

Ring Dips

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Coaching Tips: Scale loads and movements to fit your current fitness level. Do ten reps of each exercise, then nine reps, and so on. Make sure you achieve legit depth in your squats and come up to full hip and knee extension. Toes to bar should be done with straight legs and from a full hang position. There should be no stopping your momentum by setting your feet on the ground after each rep. This is not legit. Ring dip depth is shoulders below elbows and full lock out of the elbows should be achieved at the top position. If rack use is limited by class size, fire-breathers should clean and jerk the weight to the back rack position to perform back squats.

Nice rack Frank!