
In memory of all those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. The date will forever resonate the sadness of the events of that day and the repercussions we all live with because of those events. To the brave first responders who acted so selflessly on that day, we dedicate this workout to you. 9 is for the month. 11 is for the day. 0 is for " Ground Zero."

For time.

9,110 lbs. overhead.

135# X 67

115# X 79

95# X 96

75# X 122

65# X 140

55# X 166

Post load and time to comments.

Coaching Tips: Scale load and movement to fit your current fitness level. Any way, any how over head. You decide what weight scheme to use. If all options are too much for you, recruit some one to share the work load. This can be done in teams of two or three persons. This may be the best choice for most athletes to use. Clean and jerk, snatch and other forms of lifts can be used to take the bar from the ground to over head.