Day 22 of the "Burpee Challenge"….22 Burpees today!

For time

50-30-20 reps of:

KB Swings (M-53/W-35)

Wall Ball (M-20#/W-16#)

Box Jumps (M-24"/W-20")

Post time to comments


We will be having a "Free" Class this Saturday @11am, Please bring your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers.  Challenge them to get in tune with CrossFit before the holidays begin and the splurging begins!

Also, if you have not yet signed up for the "Run for the Hungry" on Turkey Day, there is still time to sign-up.  Please see the sign up sheet in the gym.

Here are your October PR's…..



The 9am morning crew with a few new faces, welcome Heather, Fiona, Kim, Yvette and John! Props to the regulars, Roselynn, Kim, Laurie, Sonya, Dan, Dawn and Kaylene!