All Classes are being held at the main entrance to Cowles Mountain.

AMRAP in 25 minutes of:

200m Trail Run

10 Ground to Shoulder Sandbag Clean  50#/30#

15 KB Swings  53#/35#

10 DB Thrusters   35#/25#

Post rounds.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  The trail run is on uneven terrain, so run with caution and pick your feet up while you're running.  The sandbag clean is pick the sandbags up by the handles or material and get it to your shoulders as if you are about to carry someone. Everything else is pretty straight forward. Come join us in a fun workout in the fresh air and wide open space.

Parents: Please do not let children under the age of 18 read the content found on the product label below.