" Big Fifty Five 5 "

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps of:

Deadlifts  135#/95#

Box Jumps 24"/20"

Ring Dips

Knees to Elbows

Squat Cleans  95#/63#

Post time.

Coaching Tips: Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  The workout goes like this: you do 10 reps of each exercise, then 9reps, then 8 reps..etc.  Here's the deal, if you have to wait to use a piece of equipment that is being used by someone else, you can do burpees as a way to gather up time bonuses. 1 burpee is equal to 2 seconds off your final time. 5 burpees is equal to 30 seconds. 10 burpees is equal to 60 seconds. 15 burpees is equal to 90 seconds. 20 burpees equals 120 seconds.  So, it pays to do burpees. 

Greg sent us some photos from his vacation in Costa Rica:  "To prove I didn't totally slack on vacation: This is at C&C Surf School in Playa Sámara, Costa Rica. They built a rack, multiple fixed-weight bars, and a full workout machine with pulleys all out of wood and a bit of pipe. It looks like something out of The Flintstones."

Thanks Greg, pretty cool, I think.