Partner Workout
In teams of three, complete the following:
100 Front Squats 115#/75#
* One person Squats, one person does a Wall Sit and the third person rests.
2oo Push Ups
* One person does Push Ups, one person Hollow Holds and the third person rests.
100 Shoulder to Overhead 115#/75#
* One person does the Shoulder to Overhead, one person does Handstand Holds and the third rests.
1200m Run
* One person Runs, one person hangs from Pull Up Bar and the third person rests.
Post time.
Optional Workout
4 Rounds
50 ft. DB Walking Lunges 2 @ 35#/25#
* Every 10 lunges, stop and do 6 Thrusters and 6 Burpees
500m Row
4 Rounds
15 Deadlifts 135#/95#
15 Push Ups
Post time.
Travis/ Adam Rx/ Diana Rx/ Newman Rx. 39:25
Rob 32:02
Joe 36:00
Lisa Rx/Alex Rx/ Mandy 27:01
Amanda 34:12
Tina 32:32 Rx
Sonya 31:40
Jennifer 34:59
Shelly 31:49
Nicole H. 34:11
JoJo Rx/ Jeff Rx/Carson Rx/ Marisa 85# 21:28
Gary/Sloane/ Tim R. 25:33 Rx
Blake Rx/Jr Rx/ Jessica 35:05
Vegard/Mark/Elizabeth/ Bev 35: 40 Rx
Chris B./ Warren/ Tyler B/ Severen 30:10 Rx