30/30 Bench Press  (95#/65#) X 2

30/30 Squat X 2

2 times.



KB Alternating Snatch/Sotts Press  35#/26#

Pull Ups    ( Comps. CTB )


Push Jerk  4 X 2 80% of 1RM.

Post times and load.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level. 30/30 is 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds rest in a hold position. It's not Rx if you are unable to maintain the hold for the full 30 seconds. 2 cycles of bench press and 2 cycles of squat for 2 complete rounds. The KB snatch and Sotts press goes like this: one arm does the snatch to get the KB overhead, squat with the KB overhead, then do the press and with the arm fully extended, rise out of the squat position. Switch hands after each rep.

Congrats to Sloane Martinez for graduating from the CFEC Beginner's Program and is now eligible for the Level 1 group classes. She already has been tearing it up in some of the workouts. Don't get into foot race with her, she's fast.

Front squats always pose a difficult task of maintaining an erect spine while under a load.  High elbows help in keeping the bar close to the mid line and doing so makes the lift a little easier to perform. Take a look at whose elbows are the highest.