Level 1

Team Workout

40 Min Time Cap:

3 people: to be completed in order with 2 people working at a time and one person holding a position:

150 Pull Ups / Front Rack Hold with 95/63#

150 Power Clean and Jerks 95/63# / Hang from Pull Up Bar

150 Box Jumps 20″ / Hold Wall Sit Position

150 Back Squats 95/63# / Hold Plank Position

Post time.


Level 2

Team Workout

3 People: to be completed in order with 2 people working at a time and 1 person holding a position:

150 Overhead Squats 95/63# / Deadlift Hold 225/153#

50 Muscle Ups / Front Rack Hold 175/113#

150 KB Swings 70/53# / Top of the Ring Dip Hold

150 Alternating Pistols / GHD Sit Up Hold at Parallel

Post time.


Level 2X

EMOM for 20 Min: 1 Hang Squat Snatch *build up to as heavy as possible

3×15 Wtd GHD Sit Ups

3×15 Wtd Hip Extensions

Post loads.