Please, come help support some of CFEC’s athletes competing this Saturday at the ” Battle at the Barracks.” Help cheer on Terry, Nik, Dalton, Milly, Jake and Jeff. The event is held at CrossFit Barracks in Rancho Bernardo. Best of luck, you guys.

Partner Workout
In teams of two, complete the following:
800m Sandbag Run 70#/50#
*One person runs, the other holds a forearm plank.
12 Sled Pushes 135#/90#
* One person works at a time.
50 Back Squats 185#/125#
*One person works at a time.
100 Overhead Split Squat Jumps (R+L=1) 20#/14#
*One person works at a time.
Post time.