Partner Workout
In teams of two, complete the following:
4 Rounds
P1 100m Farmer’s Walk 2 @ 53#/2 @ 35#
P2 Max Reps Wall Ball 20#/14#
* One person does the FW, while the other gets as many reps as possible of WB.
3 Rounds
P1 50 Double Unders / 10 Burpees
P2 Forearm Plank Hold
* One person does the DU’s and Burpees, while the other holds the plank.
4 Rounds
P1 15/10 Cals on Assault Bike / 5 Shoulder to Overhead 135#/95#
P2 Wall Sit
* One person completes a full round, while the other does WS.
Post WB reps and time.
Bryan / James 170/40:33 Rx
Barbara / Chris F. 101/42:28 Rx
Cathy / Vince 145/39:56
Brian / Andria 160/42:31 Rx
Adam / Paul 38:10 Rx
Lauren 20:00
Amadi 16:59 Rx
Brian K. 17:18 Rx
Ryan 22:12Rx
Felica/Lisa 151/34:20Rx
Briley/Jeff 173/36:10Rx
Nicole H 25:23
Jennifer 27:20
Tina 27:15Rx
Nacho 27:51
Darin 29:57 Rx
Nicole 26:14 Rx
Tina 25:17
Ed/Scotty 240 /39:54Rx
Tyler B/Severen 121/39:28Rx
Gary/Sloane 138/35:19Rx
Cami/WarrenRx 138/38:50
Jean/Chris B 110/37:23Rx
Terry/Trapp 130/31:34Rx
Cowboy/Garrett 144/47:00
Nicole H 24:10
Madisen 25:43
Dave M ;19:23Rx
Maddie 19:10
Jeff W 17:10Rx
Monica S 25:47Rx