Level 1


Partner Workout
In teams of two, complete the following:
1500m Row   *Switch every 250m
100 Thrusters  75#/55#
*One person does the Thrusters, while the other does Forearm Plank Hold.
50 Deadlifts   275#/185#   *Both people do the Deadlifts, side by side.
400m Partner Carry    * Piggyback or Fireman carry only.
Post time.


Level 2


150 Calories on Assault Bike    *One person works, the other rests.
100 KB Thrusters  2@53#/2@35#  *One person works, the other rests.
100 Burpees   * One person does Burpees, while the other hold a barbell overhead.  135#/95#
600m Partner Carry  *Piggyback or Fireman carry only.
Post time.