Level 1
Partner Workout
100 Wall Balls 20#@10’/14#@9′
100 Med Ball Walking Lunges 20/14#
Partners will perform the movements synchronized. Passing the ball back and forth.
100 Partner Med Ball Sit Ups 20/14#
1 Mile Med Ball Run 20/14#
1 person carries the ball on the run switch as desired.
Post Total Time for each.

Level 2
0-10 Minutes
Find 1RM Hang Snatch
10-20 Minutes
7 Rounds
10 Russian KB Swings 70/53#
20-25 Minutes
Max Calories Airdyne
Post load, time, and calories.

Crossfit Old School
Thrusters 95/65#
Pull Ups
Step ups 24/20”
Post total time.