15 Back Squats  50% of 1RM

100m Sprint

4 times.

3 minute rest between attempts.


10 Pause Cleans  95#/63#

10 Clapping Push Ups

20 Lateral Bar Hops

3 times.

Rest 2 minutes between efforts.

Post load from first workout and time from second workout.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level. The first workout is not a timed event, only the rest periods of the intervals are timed. The effort needs to be all out during the squat and the sprint. You can take your time walking back to start the next round. Pause cleans are a squat clean with a 2 count pause at or just below parallel in the squat. Try not to put undo stress on the knees by bouncing or rolling to the balls of your feet. Keep the weight on the heels of your feet throughout the squat.


Paleo Strawberry Cheesecake

See Lisa's Nutrition Blog for Details.