Level 1

Deadlift- Heavy Triple


AMRAP in 10 minutes.

5 Deadlifts   135#/95#

10 Lunges

15 DB Push Press  35#/25#

Post load and rounds.

Level II

Oly Total

3 attempts at max lifts of Snatch then Clean and Jerk

Post loads and total.

Coaching Tips:Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  Get a complete warm up before any attempts at a max lift. You are going for a three rep max at the deadlift, so it will not be as heavy as your current 1RM.  For the Oly Total, you must make it clear to your coach when your first attempt is going to begin. It should be a weight that you feel very confident will result in a successful lift. If you fail at all 3 attempts at a weight, you will receive 0 for that lift. Your warm up should include a successful lift near or at your first attempt load to help build confidence going into the first attempt.