10 Deadlifts  185#/135#

30 Double Unders

5 times.


5:00 Ring Plank Holds


30 Sit Ups

15 Box Jumps  24″/20″

300m Row

3 times.

Post time, time/breaks and time.

Coaching Tips:  Each of these workouts should not take more than 15 minutes to complete. So, we’lll move from one to the other at a good clip.  The 5 minute ring plank hold should be done with the fewest rest periods as possible.  Your time will not include rest periods when you were not in the rings.  You’ll, also, keep track of how many breaks you took.

Congratulations to everyone who made it to the December PR board.  It is a new year and we all have new goals, who will be the first to achieve one and get their name on January’s board?  Let’s get to work!

Also, congratulations to Lenny on being granted membership in to the CFEC Muscle-Up club.  This was not his first, just the first one caught on video, awesome job Lenny!  I would love for you to post responses to Newman’s commentary…