Level 1

100 Double Unders

90 Walking Lunges

80 Sit Ups

70 Squats

60 KB Swings (53#/35#)

50 Push Ups

40 Pull Ups

30 Skater Plyos

20 Burpees

1 Mile Run

Post time.



Level 2

Double Tabata

Power Cleans (135#/93#) and Burpees

Ball Slams (25#/20#) and Toes to Bar

Overhead Squats (95#/63#) and Double Unders

Post total reps for each couplet.



Level 2X

Front Squat 5 x 5 @ 80%max

Push Press 5 x 5 @ 80%max

Wtd. GHD Hip Extensions 3 x 15

AMRAP Strict Pullups x 3

Post loads and total pullups.



CF Old School


75 Power Snatches (75#/53#)

Post time.


A huge thank you to Dave Newman and staff for hosting the Rx Jump Rope Clinic yesterday and to all the CFEC members for participating.  We saw numerous PR’s yesterday!  Now you have the tools to practice and keep progressing.  Great job to everyone!