Level 1
Clean and Jerk 1,1,1,1,1
8 minute time cap
30 Clean and Jerks  115#/73#
* Every time the bar rests on the ground, 10 Burpees must be completed before picking the bar back up.
*If you complete the 30 reps in the allotted time, you can go on to the next workout.  If not, 1000m Row.
5 minute time cap.
3 Rounds
10 Front Squats  115#/73#
10 Pull Ups
*If you complete the workout, continue to the next workout.  If not, 1500m Row
3 minute time cap
50 Double Unders or 150 Single Reps
20 Burpees
Post load, time for workouts and row.







Level 2
8 minute time cap.
30 Snatches  135#/93#
* If you complete the Snatches in the allotted time, move on to the next workout.  If not, 1000m Row.
5 minute time cap.
10 Overhead Squats
10 Toes to Bar
10 HSPU’s
10 Pistols
* If you complete the workout in the allotted time, move on to the next workout.  If not, 1500m Row.
8 minute time cap.
100 Double Unders
30 Burpees
200m Farmer Walk  2@ 53#/2@ 35#
Post time of workouts and row.







CrossFit Old School
1500m Row
150 Double Unders
1.5 Mile Run
Post time.