Back Squat  5 X 3


2:00 On AirDyne  (:15 hard, :15 Easy)

10 Clean and Jerk  135#/88#

200m Run

Rest 2 minutes.

3 times.

Post load and time.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  Warm up properly prior to any max load attempts.  All of your 5 sets of 3 reps should be at the same weight.  Your weight should be slightly (5#-10#) heavier than your last workout of 5 X 3 back squats. 2 minutes on the AirDyne seems like forever, but lock into your mental toughness to make sure you get the most out these intervals.  There are only 4 intervals on the AirDyne per set, so it will be over soon.  The clean and jerks are ground to overhead anyhow. 

Reminder:  Competitor workouts now have 11:00 a.m. gym hours on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to work on their programs for the coming year.  If you can make it, great. Otherwise, your supplemental workouts will have be done to fit your schedule. Contact Paul for more information.