Announcement:  The new class schedule is posted.  The 10:15 am class has been moved back to 10:00 am.  Please, make a note of the change.  Also, this Thursday, Friday and Saturday is this month’s “Share The Pain” classes.  You can bring a friend ( up to 3 ) to any class you are attending for “Free.”   It’s a great way to show your loved ones how to fall in love with CrossFit.


Level I
25 Push Ups
500m Row
3 Rounds
100 Jump Ropes
25 Med Ball Cleans  20#/16#
100 Jump Ropes
25 KB SDLHP  53#/35#
500m Row
25 Push Ups
Post time.
Level II
30 seconds of work / 10 seconds rest
250 Double Unders
5 Rounds 
5 Deadlifts   95#/63#   (155#/103#)
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Push Jerks  
3 Rounds
25 Sit Ups
25 4 Count Flutter Kicks  6″ off the ground
Post times.
Bench Press  8,6,4,2
Deadlift    4,4,4,4