There will be one class at 8 am on Thanksgiving day.

Level 1
E3MOM for 18 Minutes
8 Front Squats
8 Strict Pull Ups
AMRAP in 12 Minutes
6 Deadlifts 115/75#
6 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Press
6 Burpees
Post load and total reps.
Extra Credit
5 Minutes for Max Calories on the Rower

Level 2
10 Rounds
3 Strict HSPU
4 Deadlifts 315/205#
5 Wall Ball 30/20#@10′
6 Box Jumps 30/24″
Post time.
Extra Credit
5 Minutes for Max Calories on Airdyne

Barbell Club
EMOM for 20 Minutes
1 Deadlift
1 Squat Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Jerk
*Aim to use 80-85% of 1RM Clean and Jerk for the entire complex
3 x 15 Weighted GHD Hip Extensions
3 x 15 Weighted GHD Sit Ups
Post loads.

CF Old School
50 Burpees
4 Rounds
500M Row
400M Run
100 Sit Ups
Post time.