Level One

Back Squat 5×5
*80% of 1 RM (stay at same weight)
8 Rounds
:30 on/ :15 rest
Thrusters 95/65#
Cals on Bike
(** do :30 thrusters then :15 rest, then :30 pull-ups, :15 rest, then :30 bike, :15 rest… for 8 rounds)
**no attentional rest b/t rounds
-Post load and total Reps

Level Two

15:00 AMRAP
6 Rounds
50 Double Unders
10 Deadlifts 225/155#
5 Strict Handstand pushups
-In Remaining Time-
Max Muscle ups
4 rounds not for time
100’ Single Arm farmers carry (Right)
15 Strict Toes to bar
100’ Single arm farmers carry (left)
2 Peg Boards
***Use heavy DB for carry
-Post time/ reps and Rx or not on accessory work


40 Box Jump Overs 24/20”
40/32 Cals on rower
40 GHD sit ups
20 Burpee Pull-ups
40 GHD sit ups
40/32 Cals on rower
40 Box Jump Overs
-Post Time