400 M Run
30 Wall Ball, Men 20#, Women 16#
20 KB Swings, Men 44#, Women 35#
10 KTE
5 Burpees
4 rounds for time, post time for comments


Meet Paul Flores, Owner of Crossfit East County

Paulforblog_2Paul started his journey towards fitness in 1983. His mother was recovering from by pass surgery, while waiting to hear the outcome of her surgery he glanced down at Outside magazine. In it was a feature article on the Hawwiian Ironman triathlon. Staring right in front of his face was the cold hard fact that Paul needed to change his life. He was dealt a bad hand by his parents. 11 years earlier, his father had the exact same bypass surgery. At the time, Paul had just finished his collegiate football career. He weighed about 215 lbs. At 5 foot 10 inches, he was way too heavy to be deemed fit. He realized he now had to change the way he exercised. The emphasis was no longer to build the biggest muscles possible. Paul had to work on the most important muscle now… the heart. The exposure of the new phenomenon, Ironman, gave him an rush of excitement for a whole new challenge. The swimming, the running, the biking would help fight off the chance of developing the same heart condition his parents faced. This was his new mission in life.

Fast foward 25 years. Both parents lived to a very old age and made it through their heart surgeries. The decision Paul made while looking at that magazine, led him to the profession of finess trainer. He made that decision to beat the odds of developing heart disease into a passion to help others acheive the kind of fitness that can be life changing for them.

Paul’s influence on the people in his community led him to open his own personal training facility, so he could train them the way he passionately believed they should be trained. His search for the best training program led him to become a CrossFit affiliate. The kind of fitness CrossFit has develpoed is the accuilation of 30 years of searching for the best, fastest way to achieve a level of fitness that is equalled by none. The results are felt through every part of anyone who participates life. Paul continually lets his passion for fitness be spread by all who work with him and workout with him.