Tabata Couplet
Power Snatch (75#/53#)
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
2 minute rest, then…
Wall Ball (20#/16#)
Clapping Push-Ups
Coaching Tips: Tabata is 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest. During your 10 seconds of rest, you will need to transition to the next movement. For example, after 20 seconds of as many power snatches as possible, you will rest for 10 seconds, but at the end of those 10 seconds, you must immediately begin your Chest to Bar Pull-Ups. Keep track of your total reps for every round. Your score will be one total number for the Power Snatch, Chest to Bar couplet and one total number for the Wall Ball, Clapping Push-Up couplet.
Good luck to Paul and Lisa, who will be competing this weekend in the Men's and Women's Masters' Divisions at the Orange County ThrowDown.
I was able to find my last “Helen” time and I beat it by 1 minute exactly so I guess you can add my name to the PR board…I also found Brandons old time and he beat his old time so he also goes on the PR board 🙂
Good luck Paul and Lisa! I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow! (truth be told I’m always thinking about you guys, but this time it will be related to the competition, instead of the usual creepy stalker kind of way.)
Bill 77Rx/72Rx
Phil 72Rx/90Rx
Steve H. 72/135(KBS+airdyne)
Rob 73/54
Traci 60/93
Tyler 80/83Rx
Alex 79Rx/108Rx
Good luck Paul and Lisa!!
Really excellent info can be found on blog.
Very interesting info!Perfect just what I was looking for!