Don’t forget about our Post Open BBQ happening today at 10:30 am.  Come and enjoy some of Aaron Trapp’s delicious food and celebrate the end of an extremely hard Open season.  Bring your friends and family.


AMRAP in 12 minutes
200m Sandbag Run  70#/50#
10 Sandbag Power Cleans
20 Alternating Sandbag Lunge Steps
– Rest 3 minutes –
AMRAP in 12 minutes
20 Calorie Row
12 Push Jerks  95#/65#
12 Hand Release Push Ups
24 Double Unders
– Rest 3 minutes –
AMRAP in 12 minutes
20 Wall Ball  20#/14#
20 Box Jumps  20″
20 GHD Sit Ups
Post rep totals for each.