ANNOUNCEMENT: Today’s Crucible Workout will be held at the backside of Cowles Mountain.  Be there at 10:30 if you wish to participate.



Level 1
Tabata  :20 work/:10 rest X 8
KB Swings  53#/35#
Power Cleans  75#/55#
Pull Ups
Bottom to Bottom Squats
Burpee Tuck Jumps
You will stay at on exercise for the full 8 minutes before moving on to the next exercise.
There’s a one minute rest between Tabata sets.
Post one rep total number.






Level 2
10 minutes time cap.
9 – 7 – 5 – 3
KB Clean and  Jerk    2 @ 53# / 2 @ 35#
Pistol Jumps Over Stick
10 minute time cap.
20 KB Overhead Squats Right Arm  53#/35#
10 Muscle Ups
20 Power Snatches 135#/95#
20 KB Overhead Squats Left Arm
AMRAP in 10 minutes
5 Deadlifts  275#/185#
3 Burpee / Pull Up to Knees / Elbows Complex
9 Box Jumps  30″/24″
Post time or last rep completed and rep total.